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SEC Codes
An SEC code is a three letter code that describes how a payment was authorized by the consumer or business receiving an ACH transaction. SEC stands for 'Standard Entry Class'. SEC codes are defined and maintained by NACHA, the governing body for the ACH network.
ACKACH Payment Acknowledge
ADVAutomated Accounting Advice
ARCAccounts Receivable Entry
ATXFinancial EDI Acknowledgment
BOCBack Office Conversion Entry
CCDCorporate Credit or Debit Entry
CIECustomer Initiated Entry
CORNotification of Change or Refused Notification of Change
CTXCorporate Trade Exchange
DNEDeath Notification Entry
ENRAutomated Enrollment Entry
IATInternational ACH Transaction
MTEMachine Transfer Entry
POPPoint of Purchase Entry
POSPoint of Sale Entry
PPDPrearranged Payment and Deposit
RCKRe-presented Check Entry
SHRShared Network Transaction
TELTelephone- Initiated Entry
TRCTruncated Entry
TRXTruncated Entry Exchange
WEBInternet Initiated/ Mobile Entry
XCKDestroyed Check Entry
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