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Add Virtual Accounts and ProvXchange Support at BankProv

We have now added support for Virtual Accounts for Wires at BankProv. We have also added support for ProvXchange at BankProv.

Image of Omkar Moghe
Omkar MogheEngineering

We have now added support for Virtual Accounts for Wires at BankProv. Virtual Accounts provide automated payment attribution for inbound transactions, and eliminate the tedious, manual reconciliation of transactions for individual users or vendors.

Virtual Accounts at Modern Treasury integrate with our Ledgers product so customers can build digital wallets, brokerage accounts, and crypto custody products at scale with confidence.

We have now also added support for ProvXchange at BankProv. ProvXchange is a 24x7 real time network that enables BankProv clients to transfer money instantly between their own internal accounts, or to any other BankProv external account. You can use ProvXchange with Modern Treasury via the Payment Order API or dashboard.

Try it now

To get started with Virtual Accounts, sign up for Modern Treasury and check out our Virtual Account guide and API docs.

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